Karaoke Game on Android
welcome page
gaming page
end of the game page
This application is an extension to the original spectrogram
application. When people are singing to the microphone, the application
calculating the autocorrelation of the sound recorded, it finds the
pitch in his voice and compare it to the reference. The reference would
be a recording of the piano play of the same song (piano would generate
accurate pitch, thus this file, which recored and processed with MATLAB,
could be serve as reference). Every matching between human voice and the
reference pitch would gain one point, at the end of the song, a total
score would be displayed.
Some key concept may be useful during the signal processing part are:
autocorrelation ,
voice detection
MATLAB simulation
MATLAB main function call
numdatablc = size(a4)/256; % number of data blocks, each block has 256 points, store in variable a4
pdata1 = zeros(1,numdatablc); % initialize return array
for i=0:numdatablc-1
temp = a4(i*256+1:(i+1)*256);
if voidet(temp) % do voice detection
pdata1(i+1) = proc(temp,f); % do autocorrelation
pdata1(i+1) = 0;
MATLAB function for autocorrelation and pitch finding
function [ y ] = proc( x,f )
% f: sampling frequency
% filter
% f_pi/pi = f/4Khz
% f_pi = 2pi/range
% range = 8KHz/f = indx_max - indx_sec_max
% human vocal range: 75 ~ 500 Hz
% range: 8000/500 ~ 8000/75 => floor 16 ~ 107
lowr = floor(f/500);
upr = ceil(f/75);
x_cor = xcorr(x);
x_filt = x_cor;
[xmax, po] = max(x_filt);
x_filt(1:lowr+po) = 0;
x_filt(po+upr+1:end) = 0;
[xmax1,pmax] = max(x_filt);
y = f/(pmax-po);
MATLAB function for voice detection
function [ y ] = voidet(x)
x2 = x.^2;
xs = sum(x2);
if xs > 50000000 %2.56
y = 1;
y = 0;
showing the calculated pitch from piano recording
alphabet song recording processed (show pitch vs. data-time), the middle simulation has been manually corrected to be more smooth to serve as reference file
Android app development
During the song playing, lyrics would scrolling though the screen, real-time calculated pitch and score displayed on the screen, and real-time spectrogram would be scrolling through the right part of the screen with the pitch (the fundamental frequency of a human voice, usually the lowest frequency among all the harmonics) mapped out on the screen in red.
This is really a funny project that combines signal processing theory with practical gaming experience.
This is the free choice of the final project of the Embedded Digital Signal Processing (DSP) lab, the source code of the project could be found here
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